Graduate Assistant for Social Justice Education Programing

Graduate Assistantship

Civic House, University of Pennsylvania


Position Length:
Academic Year (Fall - Spring)

Work Hours and Commitment:
20 hours/week, hybrid, with weekly evenings and occasional weekends required

Pay Rate:

Additional Compensation:

Federal Work Study Eligible


Civic House is the University of Pennsylvania's hub for civic engagement and social justice education. Civic House works to build long-term, sustainable partnerships with community organizations. Civic House’s framework emphasizes students' ongoing growth and reflection as they develop, apply, and integrate their community engagement, social justice passions, leadership skills, and academic pursuits. The Graduate Assistant (GA) functions as an integral member of the Civic House staff.

The GA will assist with the planning, development, and supervision of Civic House’s social justice educational workshops and community engagement programming. The person in this role will foster critically reflexive, culturally relevant, and holistic learning opportunities for students to explore their identities, the root causes of social issues, and different paths to achieving justice and social change. They will also help create deep, reciprocal relationships with our community partners.


LaDonna Marrero - Associate Director, Social Justice Education and Student Programming

Required Duties

Civic House Anti-Oppressive and Social Justice Educational Programming - 20%

  • Plan and implement social justice educational programming, including the development of curriculum and facilitation of workshops that support Civic House’s Social Justice Framework;
  • Work alongside full-time staff in strengthening our core curriculum and developing workshops through an anti-oppressive lens;
  • Collaborate and develop relationships with faculty, various campus centers, community partners, and student leaders to foster critical dialogues around issues of identity, justice, intersectionality, systems of privilege, power, and oppressions; and,
  • Assist full-time staff and students in redesigning a Social Justice & Community Engagement Workshop Series.

West Philadelphia Tutoring Project - 40%

  • Oversee programmatic and administrative aspects of this initiative that aims to promote mutually beneficial relationships between the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia students, and West Philadelphia partner schools, primarily through weekly tutoring sessions;
  • Supervise WPTP’s Executive Board Chair and other undergraduate Board members who oversee the on and off campus programs and create trainings for roughly 300 tutors;
  • Work with Civic House supervisor, Administrative Coordinator, and others to ensure that all administrative aspects of the WPTP are addressed as needed;
  • Develop and implement comprehensive educational training program for student leaders, Executive Board members, and tutors;

Penn Alternative Breaks Program - 40%

  • Help oversee the Penn Alternative Breaks Program (PAB) which coordinates winter and spring break trips for students interested in direct service, education, and critical reflection;
  • Advise and mentor PAB's Executive Board to ensure their success in planning trips for 48 participants, including guiding their use of University resources and communications with key stakeholders such as the Office of Risk Management, the Travel Office, the Student Activities Council, and the Office of Student Affairs;
  • Maintain constant communication with the Board throughout the academic year and facilitate weekly board meetings; and,
  • Design curriculum for Site Leaders and the Board that aligns with Civic House's Social Justice Framework through the encouragement of regular conscious reflection and education of trip participants.

Preferred Qualification and Essential Skills

  • Experience in social justice education, inter-group dialogue facilitation, non-profit organizations, community organizing, advocacy, public school teaching, or student development activities;
  • Sincere interest in working closely with and mentoring undergraduate students;
  • Strong communication skills, including facilitation of workshops, public speaking, and writing skills;
  • Demonstrated commitment to justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion;
  • Demonstrable interpersonal skills and high level of professional discretion and initiative;
  • Proven organizational and program planning skills, and;
  • Flexibility to work both independently and collaboratively with students, staff, and community partners.

Application Instructions

Currently accepting Civic House Graduate Assistant applications for the 2024-2025 academic year (open until filled). This GA position is open to all Penn GSE MSEd students. To apply, please e-mail your interest and an updated resume to Civic House Associate Director, LaDonna Marrero (

Questions can be addressed to LaDonna Marrero (